2016 - TUE
- 会場:
- エポカルつくば
- 日時:
- 2016年8月30日 (火)
日時 2016年08月30日
13時30分 から 17時30分 まで
会場: エポカルつくば 405号室(ポスター)、406号室(ショートプレゼン、懇談会)
日時:平成28年8月30日(火)13:30~17:30 (懇談会:17:30~)
TIA”かけはし”ポスター交流会 ポスター発表プログラム(ver. 8/26/2016)
日時:平成28年8月30日(火)13:30~17:30 (懇談会:17:30~)
会場: エポカルつくば 405号室(ポスター)、406号室(ショートプレゼン、懇談会)
13:30-13:40 開会:趣旨とプログラム説明
13:40-15:00 Short presentation
15:00-16:15 ポスターAグループ(DS,ES,MS) コアタイム
16:15-17:30 ポスターBグループ(MA,RD,EX) コアタイム
17:30-19:30 懇談会
DS: Data Science 19件 (広い意味でデータ科学的手法を使った研究)
ES: Electronic State 10件 (電子状態計算の手法開発、アプリ公開)
MA: Materials 16件 (特定の物質・材料のシミュレーション)
RD: Reactions & Dynamics 6件 (化学反応や動力学のシミュレーション)
MS: Miscellaneous 6件 (ツール、数値計算手法、アプリ普及)
EX: Experiment 8件 (実験手法、実験)
Tien Lam Pham(1), Hiori Kino(2), Kiyoyuki Terakura(2), Takashi Miyake(2,3), Hieu Chi Dam(1,2)
(1) JAIST, (2) NIMS, (3) AIST
Construction of interatomic potential based on Gaussian Mixture Model
Shoji ISHIBASHI (1,2), Hiori KINO (2), Akira UEDONO (3), Takashi MIYAKE (1,2) and Kiyoyuki TERAKURA (2)
(1) CD-FMat, AIST, (2) CMI^2, NIMS, (3) Div. Appl. Phys., Univ. Tsukuba
Prediction of positron-annihilation parameters for vacancy-type defects in ternary alloy semiconductors by data-scientific approach
Yasunobu ANDO(1), So FUJIKAKE(2), and Satoshi WATANABE(2)
(1) CD-FMat, AIST, (2) Dept. Mat. Eng., U. Tokyo
Data-driven Statistical Analysis of Electrical-Transport Simulation of Molecular Junctions
Yoshiyuki Yamamoto and Osamu Sugino
ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
A neural network approach to adsorbed structures of water molecules on an oxide surface
Daiki Adachi(1), Synge Todo(1,2,3), Shinji Tsuneyuki(1,2,3)
(1) Dept. Phys., U. Tokyo, (2) ISSP, U. Tokyo, (3) NIMS
Structure estimation using powder X-ray experimental data and first-principles calculation
Masato Okada
Univ. Tokyo and NIMS
Data driven science in TIA
Koyama Yukinori
Materials design and discovery using materials informatics
Michiko Yoshitake, Shinjiro Yagyu
Data generation and utilization
Yoyo Hinuma (1,2), Isao Tanaka (1,2,3)
(1) Kyoto Univ, (2)NIMS, (3) JFCC
Automated generation of nonpolar surface slab models for high-throughput calculations
Ryoji Sahara
Multiscale analysis based on first principles calculations in structural materials
Ryo Tamura(1), Koji Hukushima(1,2)
(1)NIMS, (2)Univ. Tokyo
Estimation of spin-spin interactions from magnetization curve based on the Bayesian statistics
Teppei Suzuki, Ryo Tamura, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki
Machine learning for quantum mechanical forces of crystalline silicon
Yuto Inoue, Tetsuya Sakurai, Akira Imakura, Yasunori Futamura
Univ. of Tsukuba
Distributed Parallel Implementation of Neural Network for Supercomputers
Tetsuya Sakurai, Akira Imakura, Yuto Inoue, Yasunori Futamura
Univ. Tsukuba
Alternating optimization method based on nonnegative matrix factorizations for deep neural networks
Thaer M. Dieb(1,2)
(1) NIMS, (2) U. Tokyo
Super Lattice Design Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
Randy Jalem(1,2), Masanobu Nakayama(1,3)
(1) NIMS-GREEN, (2) NIMS-Mi2i, (3) NITech
Materials Simulations with Machine Learning for Battery Research
Keitaro Sodeyama(1,2)
Liquid electrolyte materials search for Lithium-ion batteries
Xiucai Ye, Kaiyang Ji, Tetsuya Sakurai
Univ. Tsukuba
Spectral clustering and discriminant analysis for unsupervised feature selection
Lincon Souza(1), Chendra Hadi Suryanto(2), Kazuhiro Fukui(1)
(1)University of Tsukuba, (2)SenTech
Class Classification of Protein 3D Structure Based on Multi-view 2D Images
Takahiro Misawa
ISSP, U. Tokyo
Introduction and Applications of Many-variable Variational Monte Carlo Method
Youhei Yamaji
QPEC, U. Tokyo
Open-Source Software HΦ for Quantum Many-Body Electron Problems
Airi Kawasaki, Osamu Sugino
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
ab initio wave function theory considering correlation between electron pairs
Shunsuke Yamada(1), Ryosuke Akashi(1), Shinji Tsuneyuki (1,2)
(1) Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo, (2) ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
A new method of eigenstate calculation for huge systems based on the divide-and-conquer method
Yoshifumi Noguchi and Osamu Sugino
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
All-electron First-Principles GW+Bethe-Salpeter Calculations
Naoto Umezawa
Development of a highly efficient first-principles method
Tsuyoshi Miyazaki
(1) NIMS-MANA, (2)University College London
Development and Applications of large-scale first-principles calculation methods
Ayako Nakata (1), Yasunori Ninomiya (2), Tetsuya Sakurai(3), D.R. Bowler(3), Tsuyoshi Miyazaki (1)
(1) NIMS, (2) Univ. Tsukuba, (3) UCL
Improvement of efficiency and accuracy of large-scale DFT calculations and efficient analysis of their electronic structures
Yasunori Futamura(1), Yuto Inoue(1), Tetsuya Sakurai(1)
(1) Univ. Tsukuba
Applications of distributed parallel eigenvalue solver package z-Pares to large scale electronic structure calculatons
Tomoya Ono
Univ. Tsukuba
Computational design of functional interface for future electronic devices using RSPACE code
Taro Fukazawa (1,2), Hisazumi Akai (3,2), Yosuke Harashima (1,2), Takashi Miyake (1,2)
First-principles study of inter-site magnetic couplings in NdFe12 and NdFe12X (X=B, C, N, O, F)
Yosuke Harashima (1,2), Kiyoyuki Terakura (2), Hiori Kino (2), Shoji Ishibashi (1), Takashi Miyake (1,2)
(1) AIST, (2) NIMS
Effects of crystal structure and nitrogenation on magnetization and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in yttrium-iron compounds
Yuta Toga(1,6), Munehisa Matsumoto(1,6), Seiji Miyaashita(2,6), Hisazumi Akai(3,6), Shotaro Doi(3,6), Takashi Miyake(4,6), Akimasa Sakuma(5)
(1)NIMS, (2)Univ. Tokyo, (3)ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, (4)AIST, (5)Tohoku Univ., (6)ESICMM
Monte Carlo analysis for temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy in Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet
Nobuya Sato(1), Ryosuke Akashi(1), Shinji Tsuneyuki (1,2)
(1) Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo, (2) ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
Prediction of two-dimensional electronic states in perovskite-type oxyhydrides ATiO2H (A = K, Rb, Cs) by ab initio calculations
Takao Tsumuraya(1), Tatsuya Shishidou(2), Reizo Kato(3), Tsuyoshi Miyazaki(1)
(1) NIMS, (2) Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, (3) RIKEN
First-principles study of spin-orbit coupling effect on the electronic structure of π-d-type molecular conductors
Shota Iizuka(1,2), Takashi Nakayama(2), Yoshitaka Tateyama(1)
(1) NIMS, (2) Chiba Univ.
Atomic and electronic structure of isoelectronic impurity complexes in Si
Kazuaki Kobayashi
My research (BN, SiC, AlN, TiN/MgO, etc.)
Jun Haruyama(1), Keitaro Sodeyama(1,2,3), Yoshitaka Tateyama (1,3)
(1) NIMS, (2) JST-PRESTO, (3) ESICB Kyoto Univ.
First-principles study for all-solid-state Li-ion battery and perovskite solar cell
Andrey Lyalin(1) , Tetsuya Taketsugu(1,2)
(1)GREEN, NIMS, (2) Dept. Chemistry, Hokkaido Univ.
Theoretical design of novel nanocatalysts based on abundant elements
Hussein Al Assadi
(1) NIMS
Theoretical survay of doped layered sodium cobaltate for thermoelectric application
Maofeng DOU(1,2), Clas Persson (3)
(1) NIMS, (2) KTH (3) University of Oslo
ZnO-InN oxynitrides with tailored optoelectronic properties for solar energy applications
Hiroshi Tsukahara
Effect of dipolar interactions in Nd-Fe-B nanocrystalline permanent magnet using large-scale micromagentics simulations
Jun Nara(1), Takahiro Yamasaki(1) Junichiro Koga(2), Tsuyoshi Uda(2), Takahisa Ohno(1,3)
(1) NIMS, (2) ASMS Co. Ltd., (3) IIS, Univ. of Tokyo
Elerctronic and Geometric Structure of Thereading Screw Dislocation in 4H-SiC
Christopher Kirkham(1), Tomoya Ono(2)
(1) NIMS, (2) Univ. Tsukuba
Importance of Interlayer States at the SiC/SiO2 Interface
Jianbo Lin(1), Ayako Nakata (1), D.R. Bowler(2), Tsuyoshi Miyazaki (1)
(1) NIMS, (2) UCL
Large-scale DFT study on the structure optimization of Ge/Si core-shell nanowires
Ryosuke Akashi
Univ. Tokyo
First-principles study on superconducting sulfur hydride under high pressure
Minoru Otani
First-principles simulation tool for electrochemical reactions
Terumasa Tadano(1), Shinji Tsuneyuki(2,3)
(1) Dept. Appl. Phys., Univ. Tokyo, (2) Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo, (3) ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
First-principles modeling of strong lattice anharmonicity and thermal conductivity in thermoelectric materials
Szabova Lucie (1), Matteo Farnesi Camellone (2), Stefano Fabris (2), Yoshitaka Tateyama (1)
(1) NIMS, (2) SISSA, Italy
Molecular dynamics simulation of water dynamics at the water/solid interface of ceria-supported Pt clusters
Yusuke Noda(1), Masanobu Nakayama(1,2,3,4)
(1) NIMS, MI2I, (2) NIMS, GREEN, (3) NITech (4) Kyoto Univ., ESICB
Evaluation of lithium-ion conduction in NASICON-type solid electrolyte by first-principles molecular dynamics simulation
Ryuma Sato(1), Kenji Kamada(2), Ryouhei Kishi(3), Yasutaka Kitagawa(3), Masayoshi Nakano(3), Yasuteru Shigeta(1)
(1) CCS, Tsukuba Univ, (2) IFMRI, AIST, (3) Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.
A Theoretical Studies on Up-conversion Mechanisms via Triplet-Triplet Annihilation in Solution.
Hirotaka Kitoh-Nishioka
CCS, Univ. Tsukuba
Studies on Charge Transfers in Bio-system and Organic Semiconductor by Using Fragment Molecular Orbital Methods
Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Mitsuaki Kawamura, Naoki Kawashima, Osamu Sugino, Hiroshi Noguchi
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
Introduction of “Project for advancement of software usability in materials science” by The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Tatsuya Matsushita, Yasunori Futamura, Tetsuya Sakurai
Univ. Tsukuba
Solving linear equations on multi-accelerator cluster with MAGMA
Synge Todo(1), Takeo Kato(2)
(1) Dept. Phys., U. Tokyo, (2) ISSP, U. Tokyo
Material Science Simulation by MateriApps LIVE!
Kanako Yoshizawa(1), Yoshihide Yoshimoto(2), Shinji Tsuneyuki(3,4)
(1) RIST, (2) Dept. Inf. (3) Dept. Phys., U. Tokyo, (4) ISSP, U. Tokyo
Computational science simulation by DFT input support tool C-Tools
Yuichi Motoyama(1), Shusuke Kasamatsu(1), Takeo Kato(1), Naoki Kawashima(1), Ryouhei Kinoshita(2), Takahiro Misawa(1), Yoshio Miyamoto(2), Synge Todo(3,1,4), Shigehiro Tsuchida(2), and Kanako Yoshizawa(5)
(1) ISSP, U. Tokyo, (2) Ageha, Inc., (3) Dept. Phys., U. Tokyo, (4) NIMS, (5) RIST
MateriApps — Portal Site to Materials Science Simulation
Akira Imakura , Yasunori Futamura , Tetsuya Sakurai
Univ. Tsukuba
Algorithm-based fault tolerance of the complex moment-based parallel eigensolver
Takashi Uchihashi
2D hybrid superconductors made of surface atomic layers and organic molecules
Mitsunori Kurahashi
surface magnetism and chemical reaction studied with spin-polarized atomic/molecular beam
Izumi Mochizuki (1), Yuki Fukaya (2), Ayahiko Ichimiya (1) , Toshio Hyodo (1)
(1) KEK (2) JAEA
Total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD) and the resent results
Ken Wada (1), Izumi Mochizuki (2), Tetsuro Shirasawa (3) , Toshio Hyodo (2)
(1) QST, (2) KEK, (3) AIST
Low Energy Positron Diffraction (LEPD): Characteritics of the Method and the Development at KEK
Akiko N. Itakura(1), Taro Yakabe(1), Naoya Miyauchi(2), Hajime Yoshida(3)
(1) NIMS, (2) Toho University, (3) AIST
Mapping system of Hydrogen diffused from stainless steel membrane
Kenji Shinozaki
Glass structure and high efficient photoluminescence of novel oxyfluoride glass
Wataru Kobayashi(1,2), Yuya Fukuzumi(1), Yutaka Moritomo(1,2)
(1)Univ. Tsukuba, (2)CiRfSE
Development of battery-type thermocell
Hiroshi Akiba(1), Maiko Kofu(1), Naoki Hashimoto(1), Hirokazu Kobayashi(2), Hiroshi Kitagawa(2), Kazutaka Ikeda(3), Toshiya Otomo(3), Madhusudan Tyagi(4), Wiebke. Lohstroh(5), Osamu Yamamuro(1)
(1) ISSP, U. Tokyo, (2) Kyoto U., (3) KEK, (4) NIST, (5) TUM
Structure and dynamics of nanocrystalline palladium hydrides studied by neutron scattering
東京大学物性研究所 計算物質科学研究センター(CCMS)
物質・材料研究機構 情報統合型物質・材料研究拠点(MI2I)
物質・材料研究機構 国際ナノアーキテクトニクス研究拠点(MANA)
筑波大学 システム情報系
ポスト「京」重点課題(7) 「次世代の産業を支える新機能デバイス・高性能材料の創成」(CDMSI)
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