2018 - TUE





2018年1月23日 (火)

Innovation Camp 2018 for Computational Materials Science(ICCMS2018)
日時 2018年01月23日 00時00分 から
2018年01月25日 00時00分
場所 定山渓ビューホテル(北海道)
カレンダーに追加 vCal


In materials science, data-centric science is becoming one of the major approaches along with theoretical, experimental, and computational sciences.
The main purpose of this camp is that we learn the basics of the machine learning as data-centric science and use it to solve problems in our researches through group works.
We will also have lectures on advanced researches in computational and data-centric sciences and discuss future perspectives. Furthermore, we learn innovation minds by inviting lecturers who are at the forefront beyond the industry-government-academia framework.

概要 / Overview

日程 / Period:
January 23rd(Tue.)-25th(Thu.), 2018

開催場所 / Venue:
The Jozankei View Hotel (Hokkaido)

参加費 / Participation fee:
無料 ※宿泊費等は現地にてお支払いただきます。詳細は参加お申し込みの方に別途Eメールでご連絡致します。
Free * Accommodation fee should be paid by each participant on site. Details will be announced to the participants by email.

参加人数 / Capacity:
Up to 30 people

参加対象 / Qualifications:
PD, Graduate student, majoring in materials science * Basic knowledge of material science and programming skill are required.

申込期限 / Deadline for registration:
October 27th(Fri.) Noon

旅費 / Travel expenses support:
The travel expenses reimbursement may be applicable to the followings.

– Researcher/Postdoc involved in the Post ‘K’ Project -Priority Issue 7-
・計算物質科学人材育成コンソーシアム構築事業 イノベーション創出人材プログラム(フェロー/一般)申請者(※東大博士課程在学中の方のみ。既に養成を修了された方には支給出来ません。)
– Researcher/Graduate student who has been designated as ‘fellow’ or ‘general’ of PCoMS-IPD program.
* If you wish to join the PCoMS-IPD program, please make an application through the link below.

注意事項 / Notes:
– Participants should stay at the designated accommodation(Jozankei View Hotel). Hotel booking will be made by the organizers.
– Please bring your own laptop PC.

Tutorial material will be distributed and the system requirements for installing and running Python will be informed prior to the camp. Please be sure to install the program and check if it works properly with your own PC in advance.
– Presentation materials should be prepared in English, and some lectures and training will be in English.
– Shuttle bus between the New Chitose Airport and the hotel will be available.

共催 / Co-organized by:
– Post ‘K’ Project -Priority Issue 7- “Creation of New function Devices and High performance Materials, for supporting industry of next generation”(CDMSI)
– Professional development Consortium for Computational Materials Scientists(PCoMS)

協賛 / sponsored by:
– Consortium Office for Fostering of Researchers in Future Generations (COFRe)
– The Center of Computational Materials Science(CCMS)

プログラム(仮) / Program *This schedule is tentative and may be revised.

【The 1st day】 Jan. 23rd(Tue.)

Time Category Description Lecturer/Presenter
13:30-14:00 Guidance(1) Organizer
14:00-15:00 Lecture (1) マテリアルズインフォマティクスの展望
Possible future developments of Materials informatics
常行 真司(東京大学)
S. Tsuneyuki(Univ. of Tokyo)
15:00-16:00 Lecture (2) 量子多体問題へのデータ科学の応用
Data-science approaches to quantum many-body problems
大槻 純也(東北大学)
J. Otsuki(Tohoku. Univ.)
16:00-18:00 Training (1) Pythonでの機械学習の基礎実習
Basic training of machine learning using Python
木野 日織(NIMS)
H. Kino(NIMS)
20:00-22:00 Discussion(1) 「失敗は成功のもと」試行錯誤の研究の舞台裏共有
Sharing episodes of trial and error in daily research activities
— Failure teaches success —

【The 2nd day】 Jan. 24th(Wed.)

Time Category Description Lecturer/Presenter
9:00-10:00 Training (2) Pythonでの機械学習の基礎実習
Basic training of machine learning using Python
木野 日織(NIMS)
H. Kino(NIMS)
10:00-12:00 Training (3) チーム編成、課題選定とチームでのテーマ実習Ⅰ
Form teams, selecting a theme and theme exercise in each team.
14:00-15:00 Special lecture マルチスケール計算物質科学
Multi-scale Computational Materials Science
大野 宗一(北海道大学)
M. Ohno(Hokkaido Univ.)
15:00-17:00 Training (4) チームでのテーマ実習Ⅱ
Theme exercise in each teamⅡ
17:00-18:00 Lecture (3) データ駆動型物性予測の最前線:分子の機械学習の諸相
Frontiers of data-driven property prediction: molecular machine learning
瀧川 一学「北海道大学)
I. Takigawa(Hokkaido Univ.)
20:00-21:00 Lecture (4) 事業開発の現場から
Reality in the Business Development
永崎 将利(Space BD㈱)
M. Nagasaki(Space BD Co., Ltd.)
21:00-22:00 Skill up training イノベーションスキルアップに関する実習
Common training for business skill up
M. Nagasaki,T. Yoshihara, H.Kouta, K.Arima

【The 3rd day】 Jan. 25th(Thu.)

Time Category Description Lecturer/Presenter
9:00-11:00 Training (5) チーム内発表とまとめ
Summarization in each team
11:00-12:30 Presentation 成果発表
Presentation of the achievements
The representative of the team
13:30-14:00 Summary 今後の課題等議論
Further discussion
参加申込 / Registration

If you wish to join the ICCMS2018, please complete the registration through the “registration button” below.

申込期限 / Deadline for registration:
October 27th(Fri.) Noon



お問合わせ / Contact

〒277-8581 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5
TEL: 04-7136-3279

The Center of Computational Materials Science(CCMS)
Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo

